5 ways to parent sustainably

  1. Shop second-hand, our faves are www.vinted.co.uk, Facebook marketplace and local charity shops. Great for picking up toys, clothes (we’ve picked up the odd Stella Mc Cartney dresses for the girls for a total bargain), buggies, cots you name it! Try these places before buying brand new and you will be shocked at the quality of the items available and how much money you can save!!! Also resell, resell, resell – we’ve been so impressed by how easy it is to resell via Vinted and Facebook marketplace.

  2. Sharing is caring perhaps your friend /neighbour had a baby six months after you. What about offering them your newborn sling or your travel cot when you don’t need it? They can always return it for you if you’re going to have another baby pr after their holiday.

  3. Buy sustainable products- Sprootbaby https://sprootbaby.com/ is an amazing brand of organic cotton baby basics where you send the clothing back when they get too small. Along with their own brand, their send back service includes any brand of white basics, they upcycle these and you get credit on your account to help you buy the next size up – so clever.

  4. Nappies we’ve tried and tested biodegradable options, washable ones as well as the best known brands. It’s a really tricky one as it’s hard work keeping up with the washable options and the amount of water they use can counteract the benefit. We’d love to know if there’s any amazing brands you’ve come across.
  5. Refillable toiletries- Moogoo, Johnson’s, Childs farm all do refillable toiletries- a great way to avoid plastic over consumption.

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