My Melasma Journey – Zoë

Falling pregnant was the most exciting time of my life, however a few months after I found out I was expecting, I started noticing dark patches appearing on my face. Within another few weeks, brown blotches of pigmentation were everywhere; forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and nothing I did was helping to get rid of them. After a lot of googling and a trip to the dermatologist I realised I had developed melasma, a skin condition that commonly occurs during pregnancy due to hormones in the body. I had gone from someone who always had relatively good skin and felt confident in it, to someone who could barely look in the mirror and wouldn’t go out without makeup. Doz would tell me he couldn’t see it but it was all I saw and it was making me so sad, at a time in my life when I was supposed to be so happy!
After Luna was born and before I fell pregnant with Kit, I did everything from chemical peels to IPL, used serums at home, you name it, I did it!

Obagi Nu-Derm Clear No 3
My wonder product!! This is the product that finally gave my melasma the boot. This is hydroquinone-free cream that works to lighten dark spots and really get to the root of the problem. You end up with incredibly clear and smooth skin, and for me it left me without a hint of hyperpigmentation.
IPL Laser Treatment
Laser skin pigmentation removal works by firing ultrashort (picosecond – one trillionth of a second) pulses into the pigmented area. These pulses actually shatter the melanin in these lesions into very minute particles, which the body then eliminates using its natural processes.
Murad Rapid Dark Spot Correcting Serum
I love this brand! Targeted, active ingredients that get to work fast and mean you see results quickly.
The Secret Skincare
This is an Aussie brand that has recently launched here. It’s a premium brand so isn’t cheap but their results are amazing. All you do is fill out a form online and the doctor will recommend the right creams for you.