Nanny Pats Tuna Pasta

The recipe from my childhood, my mum and nan would make this for me at least once a week and now something I make for my kids! Don’t look at the ingredients, it sounds gross but trust me it’s DELICIOUS (and a great way to get your kids eating fish). This is a great recipe that I prepare ahead (to step 5) and then pop in the oven for 15 minutes at dinner time.



  • 3-4 mugs of pasta
  • 1 red pepper chopped roughly
  • 2 tins of tuna in olive oil
  • 1 punnet of mushrooms chopped roughly.
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tin of Campbell condensed mushroom soup
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • Dry mint
  • Worcester Sauce
  • Grated cheese

Step by Step

Preheat the oven to around 180

  1. Add the tin of chopped tomatoes, mushrooms, red pepper, condensed soup, stock cube dried mint and a splash of Worcester sauce to a baking tin and mix everything around. Season with salt and pepper and cover with foil.

  2. Pop the baking tin in the oven for around 30-40 mins

  3. Cook your pasta al dente (approx 2-3 mins less than the packet says)

  4. Once the mixture in the oven is done, add the pasta to the baking tin and stir again.

  5. Sprinkle cheese on top and put back in the oven for around 10/15 mins

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